The delivery method depends on the volume and weight of the items:
1. Entrega por transportista en domicile: The entrega del pedido will be carried out by a transportista specialized in boxes or pallets to guarantee maximum protection. Items will be delivered in advance notice within 3 to 4 days in Spain and 3 to 4 weeks in other countries from the confirmation of the delivery, at the time of agreement with the carriers of www.trofeosromero.com (salvo contrary indication at the moment of the pedido).
The impossibility of storing the Products in the contract agreement on the part of the transport operators of www.trofeosromero.com, subject to the authorization of the comprador or information on the need to recurrir a medios specíficos de entrega, podrá dar de lugar al pago de gastos de additional entrega y/o at the cancellation of the pedido por parte de www.trofeosromero.com. The Product details are transferred to the comprador at the moment of the purchase or at the time of the first presentation of the Products by the transport operators of www.trofeosromero.com, at the end of the contract agreed with these last ones.
Due to the circumstances at www.trofeosromero.com, we will not be able to guarantee the delivery of the product in 3-4 days if the agency does not comply with our compromises, we will not be responsible in any case of delays owed to the transport agency. However, you cannot request a request from the request by info@trofeosromero.com
In cases where the availability of products is different, www.trofeosromero.com will provide you with a delivery package on your order. In the case of a fractional supply, the participation in the supply gases indicated in point 3.2., will apply in each of the fractions of the delivery. If you do not realize a part of the product, the product will intervene in the availability of the package of the purchased products.
When receiving the pedido, the comprador must proceed with all the necessary examinations to detect possible warnings, deficiencies, defects or other related defects, as well as the discrepancy of the Products entered with your pedido.
In particular, the comprador must check the size of the packages, the number of packages and the products in which list, reference, price and characteristics it refers. In the event of a complaint, the comprador must contact the transport services of www.trofeosromero.com
For the purpose of which your request is not considered inadmissible, the comprador must:
• Indicate in the entry note the precise reservations and derivadas from averías or deficiencies, hence that the general reservations of type "low reservation of unpacking" are insufficient.
• Confirm your reservations with warnings or deficiencies and formulate your reservations, by correo certified with acknowledgment of customer service.
• Confirm your reservations with warnings or deficiencies by certified correo with receipt of transport, within 3 days of the event, festivals not included.
The comprador will be required to send a copy of this request to www.trofeosromero.com in our locations.
Likewise, the comprador must be able to facilitate any supporting person who is required to refer to the reality of the interpuestas complaints and offer them to www.trofeosromero.com, their transport or any person delegated by them, the facilities necessary to proceed with their observation; The comprador must refrain from intervening or from attempting to intervene in a situation at this end.
Claims accepted due to a defective or non-compliant Product change, or have been reissued in the event of Product unavailability in the product or with the originals. The product must be shipped to www.trofeosromero.com carriers, in perfect condition, in its original packaging and provided with all its accessories. We do not accept any spontaneous transfer without the receipt of www.trofeosromero.com